- Honored to be a panelist on the “Responsible AI” panel hosted by the Singapore FinTech Festival
- Co-session chair for “Information Extraction 2” at EMNLP 2022
- Area Chair for the Interpretability, Interactivity and Analysis of Models for NLP track at EMNLP
- 1 paper accepted at EMNLP System Demos
- 2 Papers accepted at the Blackbox NLP workshop, co-located with EMNLP
- 1 paper accepted at ICDM
- 3 papers accepted at ACL
- Students from Danish and other European universities wrote a series of great blog posts based on EMNLP 2022 papers and talks, this was based on the half-day workshop on scientific communication I gave last year
- Action Editor for ACL ARR
- December 12: Video Presentation of Learning from Human Feedback: Challenges for Real-World Reinforcement Learning in NLP at the Challenges of Real-World RL Workshop, co-located with NeurIPS 2020.
- December 9: Poster presentation of Gradient Rollback at the WiML workshop, co-located with NeurIPS 2020.
- September 30: Talk at the virtual Natural Language Processing Copenhagen Meetup on “Bidirectional Sequence Generation and Graph AI”.
- September 24: Talk at the first virtual Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) about “The Knowledge Pipeline: Extract, Enrich and Explain”.
- July 14: Blog post that summarices the ACL 2020 track “Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP”
- July 3-10: I was an official microblogger for ACL 2020, focusing on the track “Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP” (see also my Twitter handle below). I’m also one of the mentors at ACL 2020.
- May 13: Talk at the StatNLP Colloquium about “Bidirectional Sequence Generation and its Prototype Transfer”.
- April 30: Talk at KMD’s STEAM talk series about how to “Extract, Enrich & Explain Knowledge”.
- February 3: New blog post about our paper “Attending to Future Tokens for Bidirectional Sequence Generation”
- January 14: Lecture on reinforcement learning and its applications to sequence-to-sequence NLP at the ECOLE winter school
- Reviewing Activities: EMNLP, ACL, IJCAI, COLING, RepL4NLP, AAAI & Area Chair for EACL
- November 5: Presented my EMNLP paper with my colleagues Bhushan Kotnis and Mathias Niepert at EMNLP as the first oral presentation of the conference. Hong Kong, China.
- November 4: Presented my EMNLP paper with my colleagues Bhushan Kotnis and Mathias Niepert at the 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation (WNGT 2019). Hong Kong, China.
- October 22: Talk at the colloquium of the Data and Web Science Group, University of Mannheim.
- July 29: I presented my TACL paper with my colleague Laura Jehl and PhD advisor Stefan Riezler at ACL as an oral presentation. Florence, Italy.
- May 20 - 22: Presented our abstract “Building a Biomedical Knowledge Graph and Predicting Novel Relations” with my colleagues Timo Sztyler and Brandon Malone at the workshop Scientific Literature Knowledge Bases, co-located with the Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC) conference, where NEC Labs Europe was a sponsor. Amherst, USA.
- May 9: I successfuylly defended my doctoral thesis with the highest distinction, summa cum lauda.
- January 1: I joined NEC Labs Europe as a Research Scientist.
- Reviewing Activities 2019: NAACL, ACL, EMNLP, LMID.